What’s that at the door? I think it’s a brand that features on today’s Authentic Avenue.
Postmates: the technology and lifestyle brand known for bringing almost anything to your front door.
Eric Edge, their SVP of Marketing and Communications, has worked hard to design and define the delivery giant over the last two years. So, no, it’s not just a hangover haven. And the company has proven that not only through the ways it can be used, but also in the ways it supports the community.
Today, we talk about what Postmates is, what it isn’t, and and what it will be down the road, or perhaps, down the block from you. So listen in as I get real with Postmates and Eric Edge.
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Email Adam at adam@authenticavenuemedia.com
Learn more at https://authenticavenuemedia.com/.
Theme Song: Extreme Energy (Music Today 80) Composed & Produced by Anwar Amr Video Link: https://youtu.be/8ZZbAkKNx7s
Other sounds by kwamah_02: https://freesound.org/people/kwahmah_02/ via CC BY 3.0 License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/.