Daily Harvest: a clean DTC meal brand taking care of food so that food can take care of you.
When Rachel Drori founded Daily Harvest, she noticed that all the ways in which "Big Food" launched its lineup were too reactive to be on the cutting edge. Rather than wait until a revenue opportunity appears from a trend, Rachel has sought to catch the upswing of product lifecycles and flip the script on her larger competitors.
But it begs the question: why isn't all food customer-driven like this?
Today, Rachel will help answer that question. So blend up a green smoothie and enjoy as I get real with Daily Harvest and Rachel Drori.
Check out Daily Harvest's menu: https://www.daily-harvest.com/app/browse. (My favorites are the harvest bowls and flatbreads!)
LinkedIn (Authentic Avenue): https://www.linkedin.com/company/68049428/
LinkedIn (Adam Conner): https://www.linkedin.com/in/adamjconner/
Adam is also on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@authenticadam
Email Adam at adam@authenticavenuemedia.com
Learn more at https://authenticavenuemedia.com/.
Theme Song: Extreme Energy (Music Today 80) Composed & Produced by Anwar Amr Video Link: https://youtu.be/8ZZbAkKNx7s