I've devoted the last two years to approaching the topic of authenticity in branding and marketing from the side of the organization doing it -- whether that be a startup or a Fortune 100 giant. And, through that time, there's always been a question nagging at me: do people outside of the brand bubble really care about this stuff? I mean, sure it looks good in a PR -- but does it actually benefit the value of a company?
That question has led me to today's interview. I'm on with Simeon Siegel, Managing Director at BMO Capital Markets. Simeon has deep retail knowledge (and is a perennial #1 institutional investor), and teaches me a thing or two about how brand authenticity has real-world impact on the numbers that matter to the market. Hopefully you learn a thing or two as well!
LinkedIn (Authentic Avenue): https://www.linkedin.com/company/68049428/
LinkedIn (Adam Conner): https://www.linkedin.com/in/adamjconner/
Adam is also on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@authenticadam
Email Adam at adam@authenticavenuemedia.com
Learn more at https://authenticavenuemedia.com/.
Theme Song: Extreme Energy (Music Today 80) Composed & Produced by Anwar Amr Video Link: https://youtu.be/8ZZbAkKNx7s